Finance and Reconstructing
Our offerings can provide a direct and strong impact to your P&L through Vastek Inc Edge Business Platforms in the cloud. These include:
- Top-line growth with offerings that drive your transformation and innovation needs
- Bottom-line efficiencies through process standardization, Capex to Opex conversion, and outcome-based pricing
- Single point of accountability and SLA-based service assurance
- Cloud Strategy and Planning
Assess your cloud-readiness quotient with Vastek Inc Cloud Advisory Services. Draw up a cloud-adoption road map. Estimate your return on investment (ROI) and define a customized business service catalog, together with deployment options, based on the unique needs of your enterprise.
- Readiness assessment workshops
- Cloud-adoption road map
- ROI and business cases
- Identification of the business services catalog
- Organizational change management
- Governance, risk and compliance advisory
- Cloud Enablement
Build a robust and secure cloud computing environment of your choice – private, hybrid or service provider cloud – by making use of best-in-class technologies and standard processes from Vastek Inc to deliver infrastructure as a service (IaaS) as well as application platform as a service (PaaS).
- Private cloud IaaS and PaaS enablement services
- Hybrid cloud-enablement services
- External service provider enablement services
- Cloud Brokerage
We bring multiple services together (aggregation) to ensure that data and processes are integrated across your diverse on-premise and cloud-based services (integration). We also address the overall organizational needs as well as the unique change management needs of your enterprise (customization) – providing consolidated metering and billing, so you can get a unified view of your cloud resource usage and optimize such usage.
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